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Mainframe computer - Wikipedia
A mainframe computer, informally called a mainframe or big iron, [1] is a computer used primarily by large organizations for critical applications like bulk data processing for tasks such as censuses, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and large-scale transaction processing.

What Is a Mainframe? - IBM
The term mainframe initially referred to the large cabinet or ‘main frame’ that held the central processing unit (CPU) of early computer systems. The mainframe served as a central data repository or ‘hub’ that links workstations or terminals in an organization’s data processing center.

What is a mainframe? It's a style of computing - IBM
A mainframe is the central data repository, or hub, in a corporation's data processing center, linked to users through less powerful devices such as workstations or terminals. The presence of a mainframe often implies a centralized form of computing, as opposed to a distributed form of computing.

What is a Mainframe Computer? - GeeksforGeeks
Mainframe computers are a type of computer designed for high throughput, which means processing data as fast as possible. They are primarily used for transaction processing, which involves a set of operations like disk read and write, operating system calls, and data transfer between subsystems.

Mainframe | Definition & Facts | Britannica
Mainframe, digital computer designed for high-speed data processing with heavy use of input/output units such as large-capacity disks and printers. Mainframes have been used for such applications as payroll computations, accounting, business transactions, information retrieval, airline seat

What Is a Mainframe? Features, Importance, and Examples
A mainframe is a powerful computer that connects to multiple end clients so that users can access apps concurrently.

IBMMainframer Online Mainframe Tutorials
IBM Mainframe Tutorials - A Complete free IBM Mainframe Online Tutorials for mainframe programmer who working in mainframe technology.

The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
Mainframe computers are often seen as ancient machines—practically dinosaurs. But mainframes, which are purpose-built to process enormous amounts of data, are still extremely relevant today.

What is Mainframe? Definition, How It Works & Examples - Techopedia
Mainframe computers are designed to handle and process large-scale data while simultaneously running critical applications. They essentially work like a central hub – managing data from multiple users or systems.

The origin and unexpected evolution of the word "mainframe"
The meaning of "mainframe" has evolved, shifting from being a part of a computer to being a type of computer. For decades, "mainframe" referred to the physical box of the computer; unlike modern usage, this "mainframe" could be a minicomputer or even microcomputer. Simultaneously, "mainframe" was a synonym for "central processing unit."

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