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Does MFC CList support the copy assignment? - Stack Overflow
If the copy assignment operator isn't defined, then it isn't defined and can't be used. That's true for CList, as you've already observed, so no, you can't just use operator= to copy a CList object. If you want a deep copy of the collection, you will need to write a function to do so manually. But consider whether you really want a deep copy.
c++ - MFC CList like features in Linux? - Stack Overflow
I have gone through some tutorials on CList, which seems to be much more feature rich than std::list of C++ STL. Especially what caught my attention was that I could search a CList by a value and it would return a position (assuming all values are unique, which is always true in my case). I am trying to use a list of boost smart pointers.
mfc - Using CLists in c++ -Could not understand - Stack Overflow
I searched for a sample program to work on with the CList.But i could not find it.I got some basic definitions about the CLists(template class that behaves similar to the doubly linked lists).. and is used to store the aggregate data..The 1st argument is stored internally by the list..I could not see what elements are stored in the list and how ...
How do I copy a member with a REXX/CLIST batch program (no ISPF)?
Under z/OS, I want to write a REXX or CLIST script to copy one sequential data set to another and then run another script (REXX). The other script expects a specific SDS to exist and I want to be able to copy one of many options to that member before running the second script. This is from TSO so I don't have access to any of the fancy ISPF stuff.
How to make Function with return type CList And read that List in ...
CList has no copy constructor and no copy Operator. So the easiest way is to pass an CList object as a reference to the function. void FunctionToGetListData(CList &listData) { listData.RemobveAll(); ... Call the function just in using the list as an argument: CList listData; FunctionToGetListData(listData);
Using CList in a multithreaded environment - Stack Overflow
CList is not thread safe - you'll need to use critical sections around those bits of code that check the status of the queue then do something with it. Also, why do you have the bit that works with an item on the queue a different thread than the bit that removes items from the queue?
MQL4/5 CList Search method always returning null pointer
CList is a kind of linked list. A classical arraylist is CArrayObj in MQL4/5 with Search() and some other methods. You have to sort the list (so implement virtual int Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const method) before calling search.
What are the relative merits of REXX and CLISTs under z/OS?
I find the majority of CLIST is associated with managing ISPF dialogs via ISPF panels. There is no advantage in using one over the other for this type of application. My personal preference is for REXX because it is a fundamentally more powerful language and is shipped with z/os so it is always available.
clist - Chocolatey list without version? - Stack Overflow
What is the secret flag to use for listing all Chocolatey install packages WITHOUT version (only package names) ? :) choco list -l Chocolatey v0.10.15 7zip 19.0 androidstudio choco l...
c++ - Get Index of Item Text in MFC CListCtrl - Stack Overflow
I've got a CString with a Text that also is an Item Text of my CListCtrl. For example: CString m_SearchThisItemText = _T("Banana"); And in my CListCtrl m_List.SetItemText (1, 1, _T ("Banana"));...